Standing On The Shoulders of Giants

Great Thinkers And How They Changed My Life

Ricardo Geis
7 min readJun 6, 2021
Photo by Miggy Rivera from Pexels

Most of the books I read about self-improvement fall into oblivion once finished. That's not because they are bad in any way. However, I’m unable to connect with them. Either because the ideas and concepts they contain seem superficial or not very practical to me.

Nevertheless, I also came across some thought leaders that undoubtedly made a difference for me. Authors, Thinkers, and sometimes just “normal persons” who helped me to change perspectives, implement changes, and thus helped me to improve the quality of my life.

That being said, what follows is not a list of my favorite non-fictional books.
It is a brief introduction to persons that inspire me and the priceless lessons they have thought me along the way. By no means I want to claim completeness about their teachings as this would go beyond the scope of this post. Without further ado allow me to give you insight into some of my favorite mentors.

Christopher Voss

“Conflict brings out truth, creativity, and resolution.”


A retired FBI hostage negotiator and bestselling author who made his name through his book “Never Split The Difference”. He has one mission: To make his followers better negotiators. To do so in his teachings he narrates about his broad work experience, dealing with terrorist groups, hostage-takers, and all sorts of criminals.

Why On This List?

Chris Voss's intellectual work is based on his famous book Never Split The Difference where he shares his knowledge on negotiation, which he gained during his years at the FBI. I cannot count the times I have benefited from the lessons learned from Chris.

It’s amazing to see how my life improved thanks to some simple lessons on negotiation. I apply this knowledge literally everywhere: In the education of my children, in my job, and in countless everyday life situations. Thanks to Chris I’ve learned to value and master the power of negotiation. Thanks to this skill I’ve learned:

  • To be a better communicator
  • To improve all of my relationships
  • To achieve better results at work
  • To be a better father to my children

These are only some of the positive results I got from Chris Voss's lessons and this is why I include him on this list. If you want to find out what all the above points have to do with being a better negotiator and want to use this skill to improve your own life feel to have a look at this video to learn more about the person Chris Voss and check out his website to gain a deep insight into the art of negotiation.

Michael Franzese

“Failure is a tough teacher, but it can teach us our strengths and weaknesses in ways no other teacher can.”


An ex-mobster and member of the New Yorker Colombo crime family. The son of famous Colombo Underboss Sonny Franzese. After being fully involved in the mafia life for decades he served a 10-year prison sentence for racketeering charges. After his release in 1994, he decided to turn his back to his criminal past. He now became a motivational speaker and writer.

Why on this list ?

So now you may ask why the hell I’m including a mobster on this list about people that influenced me the most. Well, I guess you just have to listen to this guy and you’ll immediately learn why. Franzese is an extremely confident and humble guy at the same time. I guess he is the only guy, who can hold an interview just with no shoes and not lose a single grain of charisma. The mere fact that he left his criminal career behind for a better purpose honors him.

Thanks to Franzese I think I became a down-to-earth person and learned probably more about charismatic attitude than from any other person.
If you wonder what you’ve could possibly learn for life from an ex mob-boss I recommend checking out the following video.

Jocko Willink

“The leader must own everything in his or her world. There is no one else to blame”


An ex-naval -officer who served in the Navy seals. He served as a platoon commander in the war of Iraq. He is the owner of a Silver Star Medal- the third-highest military decoration for valor in combat awarded by the U.S. Armed Forces. After his military career, he became the author of a bestseller and works as a coach and MMA instructor.

Why on this list?

Jocko Willink taught me like nobody how important it is to be in charge of one's life and take responsibility for your own life. His famous Ted Talk has one life-changing message: Take ownership of your life! No one else is to blame for the circumstances you are in. With genuine discipline and self-reliance, almost anything is achievable in life. I have to thank Jocko for gaining this successful mindset that changed my life for the better.

Tim Ferris

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.”


No introduction needed. Author of the worldwide known and translated book “The 4Hour Work Week” as well as the self-declared human guinea pig. From being a successful podcaster to Business Angel and expert in life hacking methods, this man is a genuine thought leader and an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Why on this list?

Put simply: This guy has literally tested out thousands of lifehacks on himself. Being a human guinea pig for him means conducting a wide range of experiments going from the field of sleep improvement- to language learning to drug testing for specific purposes. Tim is just an inspiration on so many levels. If you want to get an insight into Tim’s work I recommend you to check out his famous podcast where he interviewed hundreds of experts from different fields in order to learn from the best and spread the word into the world.

Scott Adams

“Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything.”


A funny guy and an extremely intelligent individuum. Best known for being the creator of the famous Dilbert Comics Series, Scott Adams is also a famous non-fiction author and was listed in the thinkers50 list. You may be well advised if you take some of his statements with a grain of salt (after all he is a cartoonist) but if you start to deal more closely with his work you might be surprised about his brilliancy.

Why on this list?

This is a special story. I came to know about Scott Adams because of his book: “How to fail at almost everything in still win big” It’s probably the most suitable self-help book for everyday life. Despite his success, Adams remained a really down-to-earn person capable to pass on his vision about life and self-development in an intriguing, funny, and applicable way. Check out this fascinating person and his rich treasury of experiences.

Tony Robbins

“It is in your moments of decision, that your destiny is shaped.”


Anything to add here? Probably THE most famous self-development coach on planet earth. An absolute luminary in his field. A man, full of positivity and a 120 % commitment to making people's lives better. His sheer presence empowers the people around him to make the best out of their lives and strive for excellence.

Why on this list ?

I mean, you just have to read one book by Tony Robbins. The secret to Tony Robbins’ success is the ability to model the strategies of the world’s most successful individuals and to powerfully pass those skills on to others. He is an expert at presenting complex strategies in a way that can be used immediately by literally anyone to improve the quality of their lives. That being said, if you didn’t have the chance to listen to this guy, go ahead and make sure to check out his famous TED Talk where he discusses the “invisible forces” that motivate everyone’s actions.

Simon Sinek

“The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better tomorrow.”


A visionary, an inspirational speaker, and a business consultant. Simon Sinek is one of the most-watched TEDx Speakers and is capable of changing the way you think forever. Besides being an author for the New York Times and the Washington Post he on the mission of bringing purpose into people's lives.

Why on this list?

Simon Sinek is an avowed optimist. With the goal of helping to build a world in which people go home every day feeling fulfilled by their work, he is leading a bold movement to inspire people to do the things that truly inspire them. His unconventional and innovative views on business and leadership were a true game changer for me. Get to know this amazing guy and the positive aura that sorrounds him by checking out his interview with LeadersIn.

Closing Remarks

Now that you came to know about the people who shaped my personality and improved my life with there teachings and lessons I sincerly hope that they’ll inspire you as much ast they’ve inspired me. Take the best from the best!
Have a happy journey and do not forget to learn a lot, keep smiling and stay always positive!!



Ricardo Geis

Self improvement addict. Rethinking human capital. Discovering hidden potentials. Optimizing concepts. Spreading the word. Starting all over again!